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今期节目由@莫探员 独家呈献!



羅甲 01:45 完 ACS蒂米索拉 2-0 布格勒斯特戴拿模


添米索亞拿 10-11赛季联赛排名第2,由于10个煲9个盖的游戏玩输咗,导致无钱续牌所以喺11-12赛季开始打乙组,又比佢哋打得起啵,升班打罗甲,but因为又系无钱嘅关系,实力上系有资格,但手续上未够格(只拇指同食指系咁搓),又炖翻落去打乙组,跟住大家都觉得都几容祖儿——苦苦坚持,经已没意思……唔玩lu~~,咁啱喺呢个moment,又队波叫Acs Recas,一朝得志,喺1917成立一直打丙组,打做95年终于升到乙组,跟住由市民政局调配到“蒂米索拉”,同Poli蒂米索拉玩合并,于是乎诞生咗呢队新嘢ACS蒂米索拉。

即系罗马尼亚足球都有人情味嘅,当时的蒂米索拉已经宣布破产噶啦,但都谂下办法比你玩,而家老骨干入边,球员只有一名,不过好彩仲有个前教练,but zero Fans,事关呢队波,当地人认为佢哋系一样政治产物,佢哋而家搞紧属于自己的足球,打紧甲乙丙丁“戊”组,第五级别球队。



德丙 7-20 20:00 杜伊斯堡 - 海登海默







Duisburg-Heidenheim 2 @1.94 7/10 Pinnaclesports
Saturday 14:00

Duisburg did not get the license for the 2nd league, so they now have to play in the 3rd division.

Many important players and also the coach left the club because of the descent and play now in higher leagues again. Some days ago they only had a small number of players, the new ones are there since a week now.

They did not have the possibility to build a good working team in those less days.

The guys who joined Duisburg very mostly sorterd out or did not even had a contract at a professional team at all.

Heidenheim is one of the favourites of playing in the 2nd league next year. All of their important players stayed in the club and they also bought 2-3 new good guys.

Heidenheim was the 3rd best away team last season so they perform very good in foreign stadiums.

奧甲 7-20 22:30 奧地利維也納 - 艾特米拿


艾特米拿,佢哋投资者兼赞助商:Trenkwalder唔do了,一间提供personnel service provider的公司 喺欧洲非常成功咁话。

Austria Vienna vs Admira

Austrian League starts with the game between Austria Wien, last year champion, against a team which will fight remain in Bundesliga. Both teams have a new coach who played for the other team in his player carrier so it will be an interesting match.

After the good season last year Austria didn′t have to sell any of their good players, just young players who moved to second team to Regionalliga to get game experience. Austria was active on transfermarket and got Royer from 1.FC Koln, Okotie from Graz and Ramsebner from Wr. Neustadt. Especially Royer and Okotie will be a good support for the team. Austria played well in preseason games and also won their first round Austrian Cup game last friday against Oberwart (Regionalliga) 3-0, and a club friendly last sunday against BPL club Everton was won 2-1.

Admira on the other side had to face many problems. Investor and Sponsor Trenkwalder left the club because of financial problems of his company and so the budget of the club was adapted to the situation and minimized. 10 players left the club: Most important Patrick Mevoungou (Gy?r), Benjamin Sulimani (Stavanger), Stephan Palla (zurück zu Rapid), Patrick Seeger (zurück zu Altach), Gernot Plassnegger (Karriereende), Patrik Jezek (Karriereende), Tito, Jürgen Macho. Especially Macho (gk) will miss because he played pretty well after he came to Admira. Also Jezek, long years playmaker and captain, who was injured a lot last year can′t be replaced easy. On the other side just four new players were bought and they won′t close all gaps.

Last year Austria won all three games against Admira, just one not in AHC-1,5. Austria wants to continue their run and will win this game:

My prediction: 2-0; 3-1


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