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今期节目由@莫探员 独家呈献!

公众微信:dmok007 莫探员QQ:56007720点击我吧




准备欧冠杯决赛同埋2016欧洲杯,思前想后,老虎蟹都唔罚抄送奖品,直接送真银,例牌老规矩,转发微博@三位好友的估波胆游戏,估中波胆就会直接送真银,一嚟唔使我罚抄啊,二嚟呢d咁物轻情意重嘅嘢,大家最开心啦,三嚟,为咗达到一个 double win嘅效果,必须要系伟德玩家先至可以收到真银,四嚟,我仲留一手,益你哋d女朋友,仲有d女孩子钟意嘅嘢比大家……



西甲 5-14 23:00 [16]格蘭納達 - 巴塞隆拿[1] +2.25 4.25




苏牙37球榜首,C朗33球,但苏牙有着场均1.09个入球的惊人数据,所以今晚苏牙的any time score赔率只有1.22,系低过美斯的1.28。



意甲 5-15 02:45 [6]莎索羅 - 國際米蘭[4] -0.5 3


上期节目讲过祖云9名主力缺阵,所以香咗,今晚国米又系收得工,又有头号射手伊卡迪,二号射手比列锡,主力龙汉丹奴域伤停,而突然之间,文仙尼的字里行间讲到,大家表现得very bravo,系过去5个赛季最bravo嘅……咁言下之意系咪收得工啊?事关莎索罗同AC争紧第6位,倘若今晚送3分……



新加坡联 05-14 19:30 卡沙[8] - 雅龍聯隊[6]


Balestier Khlasa vs Geylang

Geylang DNB is a large stake here for me, or a medium stake on the win at 7/5. Geylang pre season were one of the teams expected to challenge for the title, with a host of good signings, especially in attacking areas, they have drawn too many games and are currently sitting in midtable.

Balest are the opposite they were a decent side last year however they have lost many players and their foreign players are struggling, Percic isnt even in the country, Kristic has only scored vs young lions (may be out INJ for this game) and the two others seem pretty poor and will probably go in january.

Balest also played midweek in Hong Kong and got torn apart vs Kitchee so i expect them to be tired as well, having 2 games in 4 days. Geylang should also have their top striker back for this game as well. The first game between these two ended 0-0 however Geylang had 22 shots and 15 corners, and missed chance after chance.

Ive also had smaller bets on Win to nil 7/2 and HT/FT at 9/4. I wont go into anymore detail about the two teams as I dont want to give anymore away.

Betting option: Draw No Bet

Pick: Geylang

Odds: 1.72 Stake: 10

Bookmaker: Unibet







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