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今期节目由@莫探员 独家呈献!

公众微信:dmok007 莫探员QQ:56007720点击我吧







#伟德# #英超福利# 新会员送你588元,#1倍流水#,大家无睇错,1倍流水!!!


#白桃冰茶# 传说中超级好抽的烟油,比到你one night stand嘅感觉。海淘咗几支翻嚟,街外无得卖嘅好嘢,绝对嘅推荐。






  • 1. 型,牙签仔都好意思攞出嚟
  • 2. 撩妹新技能,绝对可以用嚟沟女
  • 3. 口味众多,完全开辟你嘅味蕾
  • 4. 超越烟仔的快感,人系有七情六欲,而七情六欲系来自你的六感,电子烟吞云吐雾的视觉、听觉、触觉,产生极强烈的快感
  • 5. 吹烟圈,花式烟雾,丢,呢d咪就系人生咯,生活品质的极大提高
  • 6. 成班朋友一齐出嚟,试机,试头,试油,大家出嚟聚聚多咗样新嘢,几嗨欢乐,我而家个个星期都约肥波出嚟玩烟噶。去我朋友较长东间奶茶铺,撩下女,吹下水,不知几开心。
  • 7. 健康,你唔系真系想临老先嚟挨一刀啊??生cancer概率真系好嗨高!!








歐冠盃 9-15 02:45 [英超5]熱刺 - 摩納哥[法甲1]




呢场关键问题在于双方的状态都几好,摩纳哥更加系fit到爆炸,欧冠资格赛击杀咗我朋友嘅爱队费伦巴治同埋U571(一部超级经典的潜水艇 电影,莫探员的电影启蒙),硬嘢嚟个喔,联赛开局更加666,


而热刺亦有最关键的Harry kane破荒,呢个直头系key man。摩纳哥一向作客比较弱,会否埋下伏笔?




歐冠盃 9-15 02:45 [波兰超13]歷基亞 - 多蒙特[德甲8]


历基亚反而系国内联赛非常糟糕,输咗3场,排名13位,失去咗2名主力后卫Pazdan(good performance at Euro 2016)和Hlousek,主力前锋Kucharczyk仅入得1只。a new coach Hasi 新主教练Hasi的执教功力真系非常一般,而媒体爆料呢位教练同d球员的关系唔系咁好噶咋,佢哋个队长喺季前结婚,然后佢突然玩集瞓,唔比班球员去参加佢嘅婚礼,哇,几惨绝人寰啊,毫无人性可言,

Borussia are imo much stronger with great players like Aubameyang, Goetze, Shurrle, Piszczek. They bought 7-8 good new players this summer and lost only 3.

Borussia may be even stronger this season and they proved it in friendly games (they won with MU four goals to one and drew one one with City).

Legia lost already 3 games in Ekstraklasa and are only 13th! They will miss also some important players like Pazdan and Hlousek (both defenders) and Kucharczyk that scored only goal in 2nd game vs Dundalk (one one).

Borussia won in the past in Warsaw with Legia (1:0, 2012) and i expect higher victory (2:0 or maybe even 3:0). Legia are still out of form and they have not played in CL 21 years. GL!



歐冠盃 9-15 02:45 [意甲1]祖雲達斯 - 西維爾[西甲2]






歐冠盃 9-15 02:45 [法甲8]里昂 - 薩格勒布戴拿模[克亚甲2]

拿卡锡迪等多名球员伤缺,或者伤病,或者停赛,简直系屋漏兼逢连夜雨,拿卡锡迪仲要系包办球队75%的入波,6 of 8,而上个赛季的欧冠杯小组赛,非常糟糕,1-1-4的成绩。



一位资深的克罗地亚球迷,大致上表述咗,近5年最弱,球队好多key man过晒都档,连同d年轻新星都走埋,无重要球员签入嚟。

主教练Zlatko Kranjcar卡兰积卡玩开的阵式4-2-3-1,后边的4后卫各种问题,我犹如见到,肥波打辅助,唔保护个ADC噶,第一时间冲上去先手开团,反正而家个4后卫就唔多balance,一对中坚Sigali施格尼-Schildenfeld舒治丹菲特,仲有好差评价,大致上一系评价得非常一般般。


Just a few words about Dinamo.

This season the Croatian champions has probably the weakest squad in last 5-6 seasons. The key players Marko Pjaca and Marko Rog left for Juventus and Napoli, respectively, and the first choice goalkeeper Eduardo left for Chelsea. So, pretty much, the most important players left the team and no serious players were signed.

With that in mind, Dinamo is left with a few youngsters, like Coric and Pavicic, and they rely solely on Soudani and Fernandes with the latter to be totally unpredictive and you just can't know what to expect from him.

Coach Zlatko Kranjcar generally plays 4-2-3-1 formation. The back line mostly plays in Stojanovic-Sigali-Schildenfeld-Pivaric formation, with Stojanovic being probably the worst right back Dinamo had in years. Pivaric is very good offensively, but when it comes to defending he's having trouble to cope with even average wingers and attackers. The centre-back pair Sigali-Schildenfeld is OK, but too slow IMHO, while the experience of Schildenfeld clearly helps a somewhat young team.

Aside from Coric and Pavicic, there's no a real, classy player in the midfield. Antolic is playing below any standard, Jonas is an oldfashioned Gattuso-like player, with absolutely no creativity, just defensively minded, and Machado really isn't a playmaker that can make any difference whatsoever. That being said, Dinamo is pretty much left with Fernandes and Soudani which really are good players but you just can't count on them. They will either play very, very good or they will be totally invisible in the field. The same is with Hodzic and Henriquez upfront, with the Chilean being IMO one of the biggest disappointments for Dinamo. He is clearly a good player but he was either played wrong or he has some mental problems.

All in all, very, very, very mediocre team.

And it should not be forgotten that Dinamo is one of the (if not the) youngest team in Champions League this season, with the majority of players lacking any big stage experience. That should really be a big problem with Dinamo facing some veeery experienced teams like Juventus and Sevilla. While winning 5 and drawing just one game in the qualifiers, Dinamo really didn't play that good and were very lucky. Especially against Salzburg who was dominating for 178 minutes in two games and then unexpectedly just fell apart.

So, to make a long story short, Dinamo IMO has no chances in this group. And while it is really brave to say they will not win a single point in this group, I really don't see a way how could they take something away from Lyon, let alone Sevilla and Juventus.

If Lyon play a disciplined and organized game, they will come out easy winners, probably scoring at least 2 or 3 goals. I know they miss Lacazette, but I'm sure they have a good,strong team that will be much too strong for Dinamo.

I hope that I'm wrong, but I rate Dinamo the weakest team in this season CL, and even a point would be a surprise for me.

I think there's no value betting on Dinamo this season. Although it's only the first round, Lyon HW is a high stakes banker, and H-1 would be a reasonable bet.





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